Specialties //
Dr. Dry's specialties include, but are not limited to:
ACL/MCL Rehabilitations
Rotator Cuff Rehabilitations
Herniated Disc Rehabilitations
- Lumbar Microdisectomy / Fusion
- Cervical Microdisectomy / Fusion
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Chiropractic Care
Many people suffer for years with CTS. Many have surgery that sometimes is successful, but not always. Did you know your Chiropractor can treat you for CTS? Many people have been treated successfully and are pain free. Your Chiropractor, without drugs or surgery, could be the answer to your suffering.
Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy
One of the goals of chiropractic care is a healthy and well maintained spinal column, discs, related nerves and bone geometry without drugs or surgery. It involves the art and science of adjusting misaligned joints of the body, especially of the spine, which reduces spinal nerve stress and therefore promotes health throughout the body.
Is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?
There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant and many have advanced training.
Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care
People not suffering from fibromyalgia can’t begin to understand this disease. Friends and family members sometimes think a person is just lazy or it’s all in their head. How can a person look so normal and feel so bad, but to feel so tired all the time and always be in pain, just imagine how that must feel. While there is no known cure currently, your Chiropractor can be very helpful in treating fibromyalgia.
Patients must make changes in their lives including diet (nutrition is very important), exercise, stretching, spinal adjustments, relieving stress, sleep patterns, etc.
Chiropractors understand the effects fibromyalgia brings with it. They have the knowledge, training and experience to help their patients not only deal with, but help them regain their lives and live life again.
Research and Chiropractic Care:
Chiropractic Research Shows Positive Benefits!
Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic treatment is both safe and effective. The following are excerpts from a few of the more recent studies. By examining the research supporting chiropractic care, you will find that chiropractic offers tremendous potential in meeting today’s health care challenges.
For Acute and Chronic Pain
Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by Chiropractors showed greater improvement and satisfaction at one month than patients treated by family physicians. Satisfaction scores were higher for chiropractic patients. A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56 % vs. 13 %) reported that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one third of medical patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse.
In a randomized controlled trial, 183 patients with neck pain were randomly allocated to manual therapy (spinal mobilization), physiotherapy (mainly exercise) or general practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs) in a 52- week study. The clinical outcomes measures showed that manual therapy resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care. Moreover, total costs of the manual therapy-treated patients were about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.
-- (2000) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
In comparison to cther treatment alternatives, acute and chronic chiropractic patients experienced better outcomes in pain, functional disability, and patient satisfaction. Clinically important differences in pain and disability improvement were found for chronic patients.
-- (2003) British Medical Journal
In a randomized, controlled trial, the effectiveness of manual therapy, physical therapy and continued care by a general practitioner in patents with nonspecific neck pain was compared. The success rate at seven weeks was twice as high for the manual group (68.3%) as for the continued care group (general practitioner). Manual therapy scored better than physical therapy on all outcome measures. Patients receiving manual therapy had fewer absences from work than patients receiving physical therapy or continued care, and manual therapy and physical therapy each resulted in statistically significant less analgesic use than continued care.
--(2005) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Articles published above were found online during randomized searches containing the keywords "chiropractic", "CTS', "fibromyalgia", "pregnancy" and "research".
Hand Surgery
Tendon repairs
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Joint Arthroscopy
Traumatic injury care
We welcome all healthcare providers to come by our offices and see the benefits that we can offer your patients as well!
Total Joint Surgery
Total Joint replacement is a common orthopedic surgery that may be needed to correct a problem, especially after years of chronic abuse and pain. Why not check and see if chiropractic care and rehabilitation of that joint can provide you with pain relief and help restore the range of motion you need to live a normal, healthy and vibrant lifestyle.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a very necessary part of any rehabiliation program. We will work with every aspect of your healthcare needs, including physical therapists to ensure continuity of care and continued insurance benefits. We do not compete with physical therapists and we are fortunate to know qualified and thorough therapists in the greater Atlanta area having had great success with our mutal patients.
Scoliosis program to treat curvature of the spine
Manual therapy which uses massage and manipulation of the body's soft tissues to relieve pain and promote healing
Preparing the body before orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation after surgery
General strength training
Rehabilitation after a bone fracture
Outpatient prosthetic rehabilitation to help individuals adjust to an artificial limb or other external appliance
Rehabilitation after a back or neck injury
Rehabilitation after a sports injury
Comprehensive musculoskeletal evaluation to determine the cause of and best treatment for acute or chronic pain